Ремонт, зображення, каталог запасних частин, вся інформація яка потрібна для ремонту бензопили Husqvarna 120 II
In the blog we will tell you everything about building houses and appartments and how to use a board and timber in construction correctly. Read it! You need to know
DIY wooden sandbox
Sandboxes are mainly built using natural wood. If you decide to build a wooden sandbox on your site with your own hands, you can buy lumber of excellent quality at a low price in our online supermarket wood.ua.
How to build a wooden porch: rules, recommendations, choice of lumber
Wood.ua (LLC “NEW ERA - ENERGY GROUP”) will talk about how to build a wooden porch. He will acquaint you with the main rules of construction, tell you what materials will be needed in the process of work. It will also help to purchase lumber at low prices with delivery
How to choose a floorboard: rules, recommendations
It is not enough to have enough money to buy building materials, you still need to know how to choose the right floorboard. From this article you will learn what are the basics of choosing a floorboard, what should be guided by when buying lumber. The following recommendations are offered by the woodworking industry Wood.ua.
Wooden fences: types, features, pros and cons
Wooden fences are environmental friendliness, naturalness and style. If desired, if the owner of the plot has a taste, the fence can be made to look spectacular and expensive, and with proper care it will last a long time.
Edged board - we choose the material, focusing on the properties and characteristics
The more modern construction is developing, the more qualitative characteristics are different building materials on the market, among which edged boards are in special demand.
Types of building timber - choose wisely and efficiently
The modern construction market is an abundance of materials, offers and technologies from leading manufacturers. When choosing material for building their own home, users orient their choice not only on quality, but also on the environmental safety of the materials offered.
Система класифікації пиломатеріалів
З 2019 року в Україні почали діяти нові стандарти класифікації лісо- та пиломатеріалів, які ґрунтуються на європейських критеріях оцінки якості сировини. Зміни у законодавстві спрямовані на приведення у відповідність до європейських стандартів вітчизняних правил заготівлі та обробки деревини. và